Why Can’t I Just Eat Healthy?

The real reason might shock you…

Something is gravely wrong with the diet world

Having been around the block before it’s probably not news to you that meat and vegetables are a good idea. With all the podcasts, ebooks, seminars and summits out there, knowing WHAT to eat seems like the easy part – despite feeling a bit overwhelmed with where to start. The deeper and more important question and why you’re here reading this is, if I know what to eat, “WHY don’t I just do it!?”

Not being able to answer that question means you’re totally out of control of your daily food choices – someone else is in the driver’s seat and they’re drunk!

This often leads to regular junk food and sugar binges (who doesn’t love Ben & Jerry’s!?) and falling off the bandwagon of whichever diet you are trying to stay on. You probably remember a time you tried low fat, or weight watchers or something else and it worked for a little but it was so restrictive that it made you miserable (and starving!) and so you rebounded back to your normal way of eating only to gain the weight back, plus a few more.

And you wind up asking yourself, “Why can’t I just eat healthy?”. Across the last 70 years, mainstream nutrition education and diet culture has talked only about 1 thing – which food to eat – which at first, seems like the right answer. Yet in that time, the number of overweight and obese people has tripled since 1975.

Clearly just telling people what to eat has been a strategy that has a catastrophic failure rate.

Feel great in your body, every single day.

What Is The Missing Piece?

Well, aside from the fact that the last 100 years of government guidelines for food and nutrition (that still exist today) have encouraged a high intake of refined sugar, refined grains, “vegetable” oils and heavily manufactured foods that TASTE amazing but are so nutritionally void – why?

Well, it comes down to money. Food that tastes amazing, sells!

Millions of dollars have been poured into research with brains in MRI machines that physically show when a manufactured food has reached what’s scientifically called the bliss point – a point where your brain chemicals explode with joy upon tasting man-made food (like biting into a warm jam donut from the market….mmm). It does this because of the exact formulation of fat, sugar and salt that “hits the spot” – all designed to get you addicted!

All of these manufactured foods, those out of a bag or a deep fryer in a fast food restaurant, cause you to gain lots of weight, destroy your gut health, mess with your blood sugar so that you have incredibly low and inconsistent energy levels and your sex drive and sex life ends up down the drain.

Shed that old diet culture skin. Learn to love yourself with our signature program.

The most important missing piece that has been entirely neglected is that food is inherently emotional and emotional eating is the reason the diets you’ve tried before don’t last.

I’ve never met someone that didn’t have a ballpark idea of the right food to eat yet they continue to overeat, binge or fall off the bandwagon into a pile of unhealthy, unideal food that doesn’t make them healthy at all.. In fact it literally causes people to feel ill within hours of eating it, sometimes even minutes, yet the cycle continues and so does the weight gain and progression towards disease.

WHY does this happen if I know it isn’t good for me and I feel like crap after I eat it?

Emotional Eating

Because the food decisions you’re making are being made from an emotional place that you don’t currently have control over.

In order to consistently make healthy food choices that serve your healthy self and don’t degrade your body with every bite, you need to know exactly what to eat, when to eat and importantly how to be in control of your emotions so you DON’T eat to cope with them.

If you eat when you’re sad, bored, angry, embarrassed, ashamed, happy, nervous, or for any reason other than pure physical hunger (including unconsciously inhaling a block of chocolate whilst in between the supermarket and picking up the kids) then that is emotional eating and you need to get control of it if you ever want to lose the weight and feel good in your own skin and stay that way.

You have to find a way to be kinder to yourself, not find excuses, but nurture yourself to feeling better about being you.

How Can We Help You?

If you don’t work through this piece of the puzzle you’ll be on this restricted, binge, self-sabotage merry-go-round until the very end and you’ll be living a life in a body that you’re unhappy with and constantly beating yourself up about the daily choices you make with food – I know you no longer want to live like this!

This is exactly why my program, The Ultimate Energy Upgrade works. It is about emotional and self transformation and is not just another restriction and deprivation stint that will leave you in a pile of self sabotage at the end.

If you’ve tried all the diets out there only to end up overweight again and after reading this you know that getting control of your emotional eating is the missing weight loss puzzle piece, then hit the orange button below and that will take you over to messenger where you can send me the word ‘TRANSFORM’ and we’ll see if we can figure out how to get you on the right path.

Start your self-transformation journey today!