The Health & Nutrition Information Overwhelm is Real.
You’ve got your health professionals who are legally obliged to give you the food pyramid advice (and I know it’s known as the food ‘plate’ now, but same, same).
You have all of the micronutrient experts that tell you to stay away from certain types of food because it has these dangerous antinutrients (come on guys, why are you scaring people away from veggies).
Then the detox/cleanse girls that proudly say with their 25 year old, child free body’s that this latest juice cleanse went so well for me, OMG I just, like, feel so good (give it 20 years and they finally might understand what it really means to be a woman trying to lose weight).
And finally you have your instagram personal trainers that relentlessly beat on the calorie deficit drum, in between times that they beat on their chest and show us yet another photo of their abs (we get it mate, you’re a big scary man, grrrr!).
There are so many options, ideas, research to back up every claim that literally anyone has not to mention the opinions of millions of people that do not understand how the body works and although well intentioned share their thoughts with no knowledge of the long-term effects of what they’re telling you to do.
So all that boils down to this question: What the heck should I eat?