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‘How To Not Get Sick And Die’ is one of Australia’s favourite Health and Wellness podcasts.
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Why Can't I Stick To A Diet? | EP 162
Do you blame willpower for not being strong enough to commit to the latest diet… only to find that it is yet another diet in a long list of diets that haven’t quite done what you wanted to because you either didn’t stick to the plan or totally gave up when someone offered you a chocolate smeared bagel? Willpower is a word we throw around but the truth is that it is much deeper than that so if you have struggled to commit to nutritional changes then this episode is going to be one that blows your mind a little.
On this Episode I Covered:
- The problem with new years resolution thinking
- 5 major reasons why you don’t stick to diets
- How the Ultimate Energy Upgrade can support you to make change

Why Can't I Lose Weight: Hormones, Sleep and Emotional Eating | EP 161
It’s as if the weight loss secret has been locked up with the Kernel’s 11 herbs and spices and no one has access to it. No one ever! Since it’s gotten to this point, it might be time to shift the attention away from the advice and more to other parts of the weight-loss equation that have changed over time as well but not really been in view of the people instructing you to lose weight. If you look at problems in the dark with a spotlight, you’ll only treat what you see and totally miss the other problems that are underlying but totally out of view. Weight loss is holistic because all parts of the body are connected and 1 effects the other.
On this Episode I Covered:
- Why ALL types of sugar keep us on the insulin/hunger/snack merry-go-round forever
- How stress and sleep are cause unconscious overconsumption and dysfunctional insulin
- Why dopamine fasting and emotional eating management go hand in hand to solving weight loss issues

Low Carb Diets for Weight Loss and Brain Fog | EP 152
Low carbohydrate has been a thing for a few years now but is it a fad? Is this the modern-day low-fat diet that we think is super amazing and in a few decades we’ll look back and laugh. Well at the minute I’m taking the if it isn’t broken don’t fix it approach because the low carb diet is having some very powerful and positive effects on some serious disease states and on this episode
On this Episode I Covered:
- What a low carb should look like
- How low carb helps with weight loss, diabetes, insulin resistance, and Alzheimer’s
- The biggest mistake people make on a low carb diet

The Psychology of Being Healthy | EP 126
Do you self-sabotage or get in your own way? You’re not alone, most people do but the unanswered question is, why? And second to that, how do I be different? Personally, I think that most health, nutrition, disease, and healing journey’s lack exploring this absolutely necessary step of the process that is essential to creating long-term sustainable behavior change that leads to weight loss that lasts, a body that looks the way you want it, a recovery journey that goes your way and all the way even to things being good in the bedroom again! Needless to say, this episode is a big one.
On this Episode I Covered:
- Why Is Who You Are Important To Your Health Journey
- What Questions Lead To Change
- How Can I Start Changing My Psychology

How to NOT Fail with Weight Loss | EP 110
It’s that time of year – New Year’s Resolutions are a thing and the data seems to suggest that the most common resolution, the world over, is weight loss. My initial thought was that I want to put an episode together that means you aren’t looking for the same thing next year because it is usually the same people that make the same resolutions and get the same disappointing and disappearing results with their weight. After you listen to this episode you’ll be 7 steps closer to sustainable weight loss.
On this Episode I Covered:
- How to make 2021 different to 2020
- How to deprogram and avoid diet culture
- What you need to know about your gut and the food going in to get weight loss right